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Create and Upload Favicon for My Website

A favicon (short for “favorites icon”) is a small icon that appears next to the website title in a browser tab or bookmark. Want to create and upload a custom favicon to your website- the WebIzzy team can handle everything for you.

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Favicons can be customized to match a website’s branding or logo and created using various image editing software or online favicon generators. It is typically a square image, usually 16×16 pixels or 32×32 pixels. It is used to help users quickly identify and distinguish between different websites when they have multiple tabs or bookmarks open.

Is your website using a default Favicon from your hosting provider or your CMS platform (such as WordPress)? A default Favicon can hurt your website’s overall branding and user experience. Creating a custom favicon for your website can provide several benefits, including:

  • Brand recognition: A custom favicon that matches your website’s branding or logo can help users quickly identify and remember your website, increasing brand recognition and awareness.
  • Improved user experience: A custom favicon can improve the overall user experience of your website by making it easier for users to find and distinguish your website from others when they have multiple tabs or bookmarks open.
  • Professionalism: Having a custom favicon can make your website look more professional and polished, which can help build trust with users and increase the credibility of your website.
  • Differentiation: A custom favicon can help differentiate your website from competitors and make it stand out in search results or bookmark lists.


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