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Add Facebook/Meta Pixel to My Website

Planning to start advertising on Facebook or Instagram, you need to add Facebook/Meta pixel to your website. The Facebook pixel is a tracking code added to your website that gathers data about users’ interaction with your ads on Facebook & Instagram. Not sure how to do it? Let the WebIzzy team handle it for you.

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If you plan to use Facebook and Instagram ads, consider using Facebook Pixel (now Meta Pixel) to get better insights and improve ROI.

What is Facebook Pixel (now called Meta Pixel)?

Facebook Pixel is a tracking code you add to your website to measure the effectiveness of your Facebook and Instagram ads. The tracking code on your website tracks the activities and actions of users visiting your website.

The tracking code can track various events, such as page views, time on the page, user browsing journey on the website, purchase activities (for e-commerce websites), and many more.


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