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WordPress, Hosting, Email & Server, Website Security

9 Common Reasons Your Websites Can Break and How to Fix Them

One fine day, you eagerly try to access your website, only to be greeted by a frustrating realization – it’s...

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Website Security, Hosting, Email & Server

SSL Certificate FAQ: Your Road Map to Secure Websites

In today’s digital landscape, where cyber security threats loom large, ensuring the security of your website is of...

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WordPress, Website Security

Google reCaptcha – What, benefits, and how to add it to your website?

If you’ve ever visited a website and been prompted to prove you’re not a robot, you’ve likely encounte...

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WordPress, Website Security

What is website maintenance, and why it’s important for your business?

In today’s world, where digital presence is everything, websites play a crucial role in establishing a business...

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WordPress, Hosting, Email & Server, Website Security

WordPress website hacked- 11 common symptoms and how to fix them

A hacked website can lead to a nightmare for any business owner. Apart from the potential loss of sensitive information,...

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