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Update Copyright year for the website to 2023

Updating the copyright dates on your website is an essential step in maintaining the credibility and integrity of your website. An outdated copyright date can make your website appear obsolete and unprofessional, potentially turning away potential customers or clients. The WebIzzy team can update the copyright year for your website within no time.

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As small and unimportant as it may appear, it can significantly impact your business. If you don’t update your copyright date on your website, it may give the impression to your customers that your website or business is not up to date or is inactive. It can harm your business’s reputation, as it may suggest that you are not paying attention to essential details or are neglecting your website.
It may also impact your search engine rankings, as search engines prefer frequently updated websites with fresh content. Updating your copyright date is a simple and easy way to show your customers that your business is active, current, and paying attention to details.

We designed this service where the WebIzzy team can update the copyright date on your website for you.

To add the copyright date to your website, the WebIzzy team will need the following details:

  • Your website CMS login with administrative access
  • Login access to your hosting platform/cPanel

Note- Do not share credentials during checkout. You will receive instructions on how to share the details upon order confirmation.


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